Dinner at the Homesick Restaur

             There are two main symbols in Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. These symbols are the restaurant and the Monopoly game. The symbols are a big part in Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. They bring out character's personalities and influence literary elements in the novel.
             The restaurant is brought up many times throughout Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. It is a symbol of togetherness in the family. Both the restaurant and the Tull family are not very stable. They both have Ezra trying to keep them together. Ezra takes over the restaurant from Mrs. Scarlatti and tries to fix it up and keep it running. He changes the sign. He wants a lot of people to eat at his restaurant.
             Ezra also tries to bring the family together. He brings them to the restaurant for a family dinner many times. He sets up many family gatherings. Ezra never tries to cause fights in the family, nor does he ever partake in any fights. He would rather "live his life as a liquid." (165)
             At the restaurant, the family can not finish a complete dinner together. They can always start of all right, but then the family ends up arguing over something. Someone in the family leaves the dinner table. In the Tull's life, they find it very hard to stay together throughout the novel. At first, Beck leaves the family, on business, to take care of themselves, except for a small check he sends them every month. With out Beck, the Tull family has to struggle. Pearl has to get a job in order to take care of her house and kids. This struggling causes the family to have to be apart for much of the time.
             When the children grow older, the family has a very hard time of staying together or getting together at all. Jenny goes to school, gets a job and a husband, and has kids. Cody goes to school, and gets a job and a wife. Ezra joins the Army, and then comes home and takes care of Pearl. With all of

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Dinner at the Homesick Restaur. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 21:29, March 14, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/36946.html