Garden Archetype

             An archetype is an image, ideal, or pattern that has come to be considered a universal model. Archetypes are found in mythology, literature, and the arts, and are important factors in philosophy. There are several kinds of archetypes, however, there are six main archetypes that are prevalent in today's literature and usually easy to recognize. The first of these archetypes and the one I will be discussing in this paper is the Garden Archetype. The Garden Archetype is characterized as a place such as the Garden of Eden in which man lives in peace and harmony with nature in a tranquil and nonviolent environment. In the garden archetype it is forever spring because spring is the time of love and beauty. All necessities are provided to those who live in the garden. Laws are not necessary in the garden because there is no aggressiveness between the garden's inhabitants. The Garden archetype is one of the key archetypes and also one of the most recognizable and common of the six main archetypes.
             The Garden Archetype is clearly portrayed in the Greek myth "The Four Ages" which was written by Ovid. The content of this myth includes the four ages of mankind, and the first of these ages is the Golden Age, which demonstrates several of the characteristics of the Garden archetype. In the lines "Men were content at home, and had no towns with moats and walls around them; things like swords and helmets had not been heard of. No one needed soldiers. People were unaggressive, and unanxious;" we can see that during the Golden Age, hostility and fighting were nonexistent (Ovid 14). This
             coincides with the unaggressiveness, which is also found in the garden. The lines "The Golden Age was first, a time that cherished, Of its own will, justice and right; no law, no punishment, was called for; fearfulness was quite unknown, and the bronze tablets held no legal threatening; no suppliant throng studied a...

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Garden Archetype. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:41, February 22, 2025, from