
             Even as Europeans staked their claims to the lands of the Americas, discoveries forced Europe's intellectuals to rethink the geographical, cosmographical, and spatial categories in which they had conceived of their world. Print helped to diffuse these novel concepts, although it also sustained older traditions of picturing lands and their inhabitants. Nevertheless, by the 16th century, the new geographies created by Europeans had begun to attain wide circulation.
             Slavery was caused by economic factors of the english
             settlers in the late 17th century. Colonists continually tried to
             allure laborers to the colony. The headright system was to give
             the indentured servant, a method of becoming independent after a
             number of years of service. Slavery was caused by economic
             reasons. Colonists chiefly relied on Indentured Servitude,
             inorder to facilitate their need for labor. The decreasing
             population combined with a need for a labor force, led colonists
             to believe that African slaves were the most efficient way to
             acquire a labor force that would satisfy their needs.
             Before the 1680's, Indentured Servitude was the primary
             source of labor in the newly developed colonies. After the
             1680's, the population of the Indentured Servants decreased,
             exponentially. Their were a number of different reasons why the
             population of Indentured Servents had decreased. The indentured
             servents were running away from their temporary masters, to find
             a job where he could become more independent. Indentured
             servents were also dying of many diseases, which was caused by
             harsh conditions. The immigration of servents thus declined,
             becuase of the people in England being informed of the harsh
             treatment in the colonies. The society was where the land was
             easy to find, while the labor was most scarce. Indentured
             servitude, was a form of labor which was declining, and the need

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