oliver cromwell

             Sir Oliver Cromwell was a strong and well-outspoken person. Though he came from an average middle-class family. He became a member of parliament in 1640; he used his resources such as fellow parliament relatives to be elected. He became active in parliament with subjects on religion and
             They're where three major characteristics of Cromwell's childhood. They were his social connections, his parents, and his schooling.
             Cromwell's family was neither poor nor rich. Once he spoke to Parliament saying "I was by birth a gentleman, living neither in any considerable height, nor yet in obscurity"howel. He came from a middle-class family with a mark of gentility. He grew up in Huntingdon, England. gaunt He went to the local grammar school where he met a major Puritan influence in his life Dr. Thomas Beard his schoolmaster. He clearly had shaped some of Cromwell's views on life, and his faith. There is little official evidence on whether this is true because there are sources with many discretions and little is known about his childhood because he usually little is known on people who reach fame as an adult, but Beard is described as a uncompromising greedy puritan. It was said he hated Catholics, and when Cromwell fought the Irish who were very deep Catholics he saw them as a threat and massacred them in a very brutal battle. He was known as "messenger of hell"coward to the Irish, and Scottish, but in England was considered to be a man with Divine right. Beard was the only known anti-Catholic that Cromwell was influenced by. So it is safe to assume he got his prejudices from Beard. The only real evidence we have is Beard's book The Theatre of God's Judgments, "which stressed the direct and active intervention of God in the affairs of the world. Particularly in punishing those who transgressed". howell
             Oliver was one of ten children to survive birth from Robert and Elizabeth Cro...

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