The Honorable Art of Tattoo

             The art of Tattoo has been around since 12,000 years before Christ and has gone through many years' of judgment by people of different races and cultures. This art form spanned many different cultures with many different meanings and is being transformed today. The outlook of tattoo turned from honorable and elegant to deviant and wrong and is now coming back as an honorable and memorable art form for the people to express their feelings about certain subjects or persons. Tattoo has been used to ward off demons and spirits in early Japan and China. In ancient times, honorable and well respected men told of unforgettable journeys, battles, and even showed memorials to lost loves with tattoo, still today men and women decorate their whole body with tattoos in the same manner.
             1 Evidence exists of the art of Tattoo used in many ways, from religious stature to eroticism, 12,000 years before the birth of Christ. At first, tattoo was demeaning to the people until they sought education about the art, found it to be a respectable way praise their gods or goddesses in art and after a few years of criticism they concluded to accept it as a part of their ritual practices. Tattooing quickly became a part of many cultures in Asia, Europe, and Africa. Asia and Africa have records showing evidence of Tattoo that predates most records found elsewhere and also shows that Nubians possibly created the art of Tattoo. They have pictures drawn on rocks of women bearing several tattoos on many different areas of their body and it is said that most of the tattoos were markings for sacrificial virgins and signs of fertility. Many cultures use Tattoo as a way to pay tribute to their lords and kings and to tell of great courage and bravery.
             China and Japan influenced many other nations to take in the art of Tattoo. 2 In the Jomon period, there are findings of Doju figurines with intricate designs around the mouth resembl

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The Honorable Art of Tattoo. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:34, July 06, 2024, from