Acid Rain Introduction Acid rain has become an environmental concern of global importance
within the last decade. With the increasing environmental awareness of the "unhealthy" condition
of our planet earth the concern about acid rain has not lessened. In brief, acid rain is rain with pH
values of less than 5.6. When dealing with acid rain one must study and understand the process of
making Sulfuric acid. In this project we will take an in depth look into the production of sulfuric
acid, some of its uses and the effects of it as a pollutant in our environment. Sulfuric Acid
Industry in Ontario Among the many plants in Ontario where sulfuric acid is produced, there are
three major plant locations that should be noted on account of their greater size. These are: Inco.
- Sudbury Noranda Mines Ltd. - Welland Sulfide - Ontario There are a number of factors which
govern the location of each manufacturing plant. Some of these factors that have to be considered
when deciding the location of a Sulfuric Acid plant are: a. Whether there is ready access to raw
materials; b. Whether the location is close to major transportation routes; c. Whether there is a
suitable work force in the area for plant construction and operation; d. Whether there is sufficient
energy resources readily available; e. Whether or not the chemical plant can carry out its operation
without any unacceptable damage to the environment. Listed above are the basic deciding factors
that govern the location of a plant. The following will explain in greater detail why these factors
should be considered. 1) Raw Materials The plant needs to be close to the raw materials that are
involved in the production of sulfuric acid such as sulfur, lead, copper, zinc sulfides, etc.. 2)
Transportation A manufacturer must consider proximity to transpor-tation routes and the location
of both the source of raw materials and the market for the product. The raw ma...