
             Focus Question: How does More comment on his times through Utopia?
             Syllabus outcome: Describe the interrelationship between the religious environment and the social and cultural context on which the literature draws.
             Introduction: When I chose to review Utopia, I can honestly say that I had no idea of what I was letting myself in for. The book is so complex and there are so many conflicting ideas and interpretations that for a time I considered changing to an easier topic. However, Utopia is a fascinating book and gives an insight in European society just prior to the Reformation - obviously a time of major upheaval. My initial focus question was : How does Thomas More demonstrate in his book "Utopia" the hypocrisy of Christianity throughout the middle ages and how does he comment on possible solutions. However this question was much too broad and I felt that I was missing the whole point of the text and the insight it gives. So I modified the question to "How does Thomas More comment on his times through Utopia." Commentaries on Utopia were fairly hard to come by as shown in my diary, though I did find some useful texts. The movie "a man for all seasons" also gave an interesting insight into the life of Thomas More. It must also be said that interviews with experts were practically impossible as literary critics are few and far between and Utopia is no longer a source of inspiration to many people. Overall Utopia was a fascinating topic for research and I enjoyed learning more about it.
             All writers are influenced by the times in which they live and Thomas More was no exception. He wrote Utopia during a time of great upheaval and expectation throughout Europe. Furthermore, The Christian church was experiencing a period of great uncertainty and hypocrisy. Utopia was published in 1516; one year before Luther posted his 95 theses at Witenberg and the reformation officially began. Therefore, More wrote at a time when there was grea...

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Utopia. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:44, December 02, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/47895.html