
             the Islamic Congress's president, Mohamed Elmasry.
             Mr. Elmasry said there are bad Muslims just as there are bad Christians and Jews. "We
             treat them as such and so should you. But Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have a
             religious duty to be tolerant of other faiths and other ideologies.''
             Mr. Elmasry said journalists need to differentiate between the peaceful teachings of Islam
             and the claims of some Muslim extremists that their actions are justified by their
             He likened the situation of Canadian Muslims today to that of Canadian Jews 50 years
             ago. "Jewish children were being (wrongly) called Christ-killers just as Muslim children
             In their letter to the editor in the April 27 issue of the College Hill Independent, Jumana
             Musa and Shadi Nahvi made some excellent points. They rightly asserted that the Western
             press tends to portray Arabs and Muslims according to stereotypes and these myths persist
             partly due to Western popular ignorance about Arabs and Muslims.
             Since the Muslims students at Brown condemned the bombing of a Tel Aviv bus last year,
             I am learning to separate the handful of Muslim and Arab extremists who commit terrorist
             attacks against Israeli and Jewish civilians from the millions of Muslim believers who do
             not participate in this violence and sometimes express opposition to it. Since I began
             interacting with Muslims students through the kosher/hallal meal plan this year, I am
             changing my perceptions of Muslims and seeing them as people instead of abstractions.
             I think that many, many people in the United States and in western countries, in Europe,
             are afraid of a monster called Islam. And as the honorable Congressman Dana
             Rohrabacher said, it is an insult to consider the whole of Muslims, to take them into one
             side, and make them extremists. Really it is not correct. It is a little bit insulting.
             What is the definition of extremism? We can see in all of history: even when...

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