It wasn't to long ago, yes, and I can still remember that day. My youngest
             daughter Tammie was only five and a half. It was my fortieth birthday.
             Jackie, my wife, and Tammie were in the kitchen baking my birthday cake, it was
             the first time Tammie ever made, well or should I day created, a cake. It was a very
             hectic day around my house. I had the feeling that those two were up too more than
             just baking a delicious white, strawberry cake for me. In addition, the fact that the
             phone was ringing all day off the hook and none of the calls were for me kinda gave me
             the idea that those two trouble makers were up to something! Finally around three
             o'clock I decided that I would shower and shave just incases something would happen
             tonight. After that I decided to take a stroll. Well, that stroll turned into a hike, and I
             mean a very long walk! My poor feet felt as if they were about to fall off if I hadn't
             picked up that wonderful walking stick. I grabbed the cane like stick and headed back
             home. It was almost seven o'clock. I had a strange feeling that I should be home by
             As I walked up the stairs of the porch I pulled out my grand-daddies pocket
             watch, it read 8:10. As I finished walking up the last final stairs, I took my new cane
             and stretched a great big stretch. I finally walked into the house, which was a dark as
             midnight on a night with no moon, and I turned on the switch and. . . nothing
             happened! Well, I had almost given up on my party idea when all of a sudden out of
             every nook and cranny, closet, table and every place a person could be hiding, people
             jumped out and yelled, "SURPRISE!" Flash, and that is when this picture was taken.
             Now whenever I take out this picture, I know that this will always be my favorite picture
             and that I will always get a good laugh out of this day.

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MY FAVORITE PICTURE. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:22, March 28, 2025, from