
             Charlemagne was born April 2, 742. After he beat the barbarians he restored education and culture while he took his place in political rights. Churches became the "driving force" of Charlemagne's life after he devoted himself to them. He became the sole king of the Franks after his brother Carloman died in 771. In his determination to strengthen his kingdom and bring back order to Europe he started a 30-year campaign that Christianized the Saxons in the north. Which he sent out over 50 military expeditions and he rode as commander in at least half of them. When it was possible he tried to settle problems peacefully and calmly like when he offered money to the king of Lombard Desiderius to return his land to the pope, but Desiderius refused and Charlemagne took over his kingdom. The fact that Charlemagne was so very organized was the key to his many conquests. Charlemagne was acknowledged as the ruler of Western Europe in 800. Pope Leo III was crowned emperor on Christmas day in 800. With Charlemagne being rule over the former Roman empire in Western Europe that confirm the split between the Byzantine and Roman empires. The invade of Norse and Danes troubled the end of Charlemagne's time in power so Charlemagne took forceful actions for the construction of a fleet. The land he had already was protected by the creation of marches. In 813, Charlemagne chosen his son as co-emperor and crowned him. Trying to improve the people in his kingdom in many ways: he set up money standards trying to promote trade, he tried to rebuild the Rhine-Danube canal, he promoted the spread of education and Christianity, and also he advised better farming methods. He opened school to young boys and nobles. Also, the palace school became famous; numerous schools for children of all classes were also built throughout the empire during Charlemagne's time in power. He was successful after his death and in some churches where he has been honored...

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Charlemagne. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:52, October 05, 2024, from