Ivan the terrible- statesman or madman?

             "Ivan the Terrible. Statesman or Madman? Discuss."
             Ivan was crowned in 1547 at 17 years of age, when he married Anastasia Romanov. Ivan's life can be divided into two distinct phases- the 'good' years and the 'bad' years. During his 'good' years he was a terrific statesman who connected with his people, revolutionized the Russian legal system, and launched major military battles on Russia's enemies. When his wife died, he slipped into his 'bad' years where he killed hundreds of people, tortured scores of his own people, and established an Oprichnina in Russia.
             Ivan improved and gained better control of Russia by helping his people, and is often thought to be the most solicitous tsar. One of the ways Ivan he led his people, was by recognizing their need for technical skills and sending to Europe for scholars and engineers. Ivan asked for forgiveness from his people for past injustices, explaining that as an orphan he had learnt evil ways from the boyars.
             "How I have sinned, and how many punishments has God sent against you! And I did not repent, and I have myself persecuted poor Christians with every violence".
             He promised to be a more admirable ruler, and decisions like this made his respected and loved by the people of Russia.
             Ivan selected a council of humanitarians who advised and guided him. These advisers included the Metropolitan, court Chaplain, Alexi Adashev (chamberlain), and a few boyars. Many didn't like the fact that he didn't rely on advice from the entire assembly of magnates (Duma), instead relying on his chosen humanitarians. In 1550, he conveyed the first "ZemskySobor", or and 'assembly of the land' where the clergy, hereditary aristocracy, service gentry and the merchants were represented. However, this was not a true parliament as its members were appointed not elected, and their only role was to appr...

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Ivan the terrible- statesman or madman?. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 10:02, July 06, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/5322.html