
             Many characters in the Odyssey use the concept of disguise. The characters use the idea of disguise to help themselves and other characters. There are many examples of the theme of disguise in the Odyssey.
             Odysseus and his men disguise themselves in the body of the Trojan horse. They do this at the Trojan War to help win the war. " ... I sacked the city, killed the men, but as for the wives and plunder, that rich haul we dragged away from the place – we shared it round" (28).
             Odysseus and his men disguise themselves as rams to escape the Cyclops. After the Cyclops was blinded the men and Odysseus needed a way to escape. " [...] clutching him by the back, tucked up under his shaggy belly, there I hung face upward, both hands locked in his marvelous deep fleece, clinging for dear life, my spirit steeled, enduring..." (224). Cyclops's one eye was blinded, by Odysseus; he could not tell that Odysseus and his men were holding on to the ram's wool to escape the torturous cave of the Cyclops.
             Odysseus spends the last part of the poem as a beggar. He does this for two reasons. First he disguises himself to defeat the prisoners and to prove the loyalty of his wife Penelope. He uses a lie to get into the Palace. "Look at the clothing on my back-all rags and tatters. I'm afraid that the frost at down could do me in" (355). When he returns to Ithaca, Odysseus overthrows the suitors and takes his rightful place as King of Ithaca.
             Athena is another character that uses the concept of disguise during the poem. She appears as a Mentor to aid Telemachas (83). Athena is there to tell Telemachas that his father is not dead. He lives and the gods will not grant him passage home. She goes to comfort Penelope is a disguise (381).
             The theme of disguise was important to The Odyssey. Most of the important characters used a disguise in one way shape or form. This helped them h

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