Moses Lake, Wash. 2 students and 1 teacher Bethel, Alaska Principal and 1 student killed, 2
killed, 1 other wounded when 14-year-old Barry others wounded by Evan Ramsey, 16, at his high
Loukaitis opened fire on his algebra class. school.
Pearl, Miss. 2 students killed and 7 wounded by West Paducah, Ky. 3 students killed, 5 wounded
a 16-year-old who was also accused of killing his by a 14-year-old boy as they participated in a prayer
mother. He and several friends thought to be in on circle at Heath High School.
by the plot were said to be outcasts who worshipped at Heath High School.
Stamps, Ark. 2 students wounded. Colt Todd, Jonesboro, Ark 4 students and 1 teacher killed,
14, was hiding in the woods when he shot 10 others wounded outside as Westside Middle
the students as they stood in the parking lot. School emptied during a false fire alarm.
Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden,
April 24, 1998 11, shot at their classmates and teachers from
Edinboro, Pa. 1 teacher killed, 2 students the woods.
wounded at a dance at James W. Parker
Middle School. A 14-year-old boy was charged
Fayetteville, Tenn. 1 student killed in the parking Springfield, Ore. 2 students killed, 22 others
lot at Lincoln County High School three days before wounded in the cafeteria at Thurston High School
he was to graduate. The victim was dating the by 15-year-old Kip Kinkel. Kinkel had been arrested
ex-girlfriend of his killer, 18-year-old honor and released to his parents a day earlier, after it was
student Jacob Davis. discovered that he had a gun at school. His parents
June 15, 1998 April 28, 1999
Richmond, Va. 1 teacher and 1 guidance Taber, Alberta, Canada 1 student killed, 1
counselor wounded by a 14-year-old boy wounded at W. R. Myers High School in first
in the hallway of a Richmond high school. fatal high school shooting in Canada in 20 years.