Philosophy of Communication

             What is communication? According to The Natural Speaker, a book by Randy Fujishin, communication is the method of sending and receiving messages. According to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia communication can be defined as the process of sharing ideas, information, and messages with others in a particular time and place. In my opinion communication is much more then words exchanged between two individuals. Communication is a tool used to express one's feelings, emotions, or state of mind. Communication is an intimate and mutual understanding between two individuals. Real communication does not need to be expressed through verbal tactics because I truly believe that one's actions speak louder then words. An individual's true feelings and emotions can be seen or expressed through nonverbal communication.
             When one is engaging in a conversation it is possible that an individual's message can be changed or distorted due to elements that we as individuals can not possible control. One of these elements includes the setting, background, or environment. Noise can play a huge role in the way the receiver of a message interprets the message being sent. Noise can cause the receiver to hear or translate the message in a completely different manner. Another example of one of the many elements that humans can not control are individual themselves. The message being sent by the sender may have a completely different meaning to the receiver once interpreted. In the workforce or even in an environment such as school, people come from completely different backgrounds and places. As a result we all have different cultural communication styles, designs and techniques. Therefore the same message being sent may take on a completely different meaning for different individuals. As a result, individual's feelings may possibly be hurt or one may take offense to the message and feel disresp

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Philosophy of Communication. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:56, December 03, 2024, from