
             In 1492 on October 12, Christopher Columbus sighted the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Columbus was hoping to establish new trade routes with Asia. This was his first contact with Native Americans. He found them pleasant with good looks. Columbus and his crew, although faced with language difficulties, communicated with the Native Americans. In the early days most people spent most of their time producing and gathering food. The Native Americans traded with these early visitors.
             The Spanish set out to conquer the islands and mainlands of North America in search of riches. Europeans diseases and cruel behavior killed many of the native. The Spanish were looking for slaves to help discover gold and other precious minerals. Once they realized the vast potential of America, they went in to conquer the Native people. Even thought the Spanish were fewer in numbers, because of better weapons and technology the Spanish won. They made the Native Americans work hard, and many died due to disease and hard work. It was decided that only captured Native Americans from "just wars" could be forced to work.
             In 1607 the 1st English colony at Jamestown was founded. First English settlers expected to find gold and when they did not, they refused to work. The expected the Indians to provide food. At this time many settlers died of starvation or disease.
             Because the first settlers refused to work, in May of 1611, Sir Thomas Dale arrived to Jamestown as governor where he established laws. These laws divide men into work group. These men went from home to work and then to church. Laws were very strict for failing to work regular hours. Men were tied up on their first offence, whipped on their second, and then put to death on the 3rd offense.
             In 1608 Captain John Smith still trying to force the Indians to provide food, his attempts lead to a full-scale war between the Natives

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