Hello, my name is Dejavue, and I am a cat. Let me tell you about my life now, compared to my life in a pet store, and how different my apartment is to the outside world.
Life in a pet store, compared to my life now with my new master, Melissa, is very different. Unlike my home now, life in the pet store was very boring. I was rarely picked up, almost never talked to, and very seldom did anyone stroke my head. Life with my master is so much more interesting. She pets me all the time and lets me sit in her lap. Even though we don't understand one another, we talk constantly. One thing I really like about my life now is that I get delicious food and fresh water every day. At the pet store, the food was awful and they only gave fresh water when your bowl was empty. I have a huge new home to live in where I am free to roam wherever I choose. The pet store kept me in a small cage with other kittens and never let me out to run and play. I had to curl up on wire and sleep with other kittens at the pet store. Now I have a window bed to sleep on during the day, and at night my master lets me cuddle up with her in her soft bed. There were many other an!
imals at the pet store. Most of the animals I only saw from a distance and never got to play with any of them. At home, there are only two other animals, called ferrets. Their names are Smokey and Bandit and we are all best friends. At home, I have all kinds of toys to play with so I don't get bored when my master is in school. At the pet store I only had the other kittens to play with. Sometimes the other kittens wanted to play when I did not, and we got into fights. My home is so much better than the pet store where I used to live.
My world inside is very different from the outside world I see through the window. My apartment is where I prefer to live, unlike the outside world that I visited a few times. Inside my apartment is very quiet and peaceful. Outside of the apartment is v