America: The Most Unpredictable Ending Ever!
Language has proved itself to be the single most powerful force in history. Hurricanes, gale force winds, dictators, floods, fires, nor nuclear weapons carry a fraction of the energy--energy that can destroy, construct, and manipulate-- that words can carry. Words are a modern world's connection to the past; through documents, books, and letters, society in modernity analyzes, interprets, and reconstructs events of the past and then either writes some more about that event, makes it into a historically inaccurate movie, or throws the facts into a "dramatic recreation" and calls it a documentary. Language is the first manipulation humans make on anything; from when we first give something a name, we have manipulated what it is in our minds. Of course, going through life, not giving things names, would be very confusing for all of us, so we name things and do not think much of it. We put language to experiences and, many times, do not think much of it. But, other times, t!
he language we use is very structured and controlled in order to shape a situation or place. When the Americas were "discovered" by Christopher Columbus, a great manipulation of language took place. He used the power of words and names to claim massive amounts of land and transform the newly found continent forever. He most likely didn't realize that he and the people who followed were going to be instruments of its transformation; nevertheless, they were. The Spanish explorers were responsible for physical changes on the land, virtual genocide of the cultures already present, and documentation of rivers, valleys, harbors, bays, and the like. They were very strong influences, but it wasn't until a small group of people from England sailed to New England that the idea of America began to emerge; once the idea of America was shaped, the world would dramatically change.