Percy Shelly

             Percy Shelly was born on August 4th 1792 near Sussex, England.
             He was educated at Oxford until he was kicked out for writing offensive material:
             First he wrote a pamphlet called The Post Human Fragments of Margaret Nicholson. Then Next he wrote pamplet called The Necessity of Atheism, it was shortly after that pamphlet that he was expelled from Oxford.
             After his explusion he married his first wife, Harriet Westbrook and moved to the Lake District of London. Shortly after moving to the Lake District he met a great friend and influence, William Godwin.
             Godwin was a freethinker. He had a real socialist philosophy, that rubbed off on Shelley. But more importantly Shelley became friends with Godwin's daughter, Mary.
             Shelley and Mary left the Lake District and toured Europe for a short while. Less than a year after He returned to England his wife was found dead in a Park Lake.
             Three Weeks later he married Godwin's daughter, Mary.
             Mary would go on later to write "Frankinstein"
             In Shelley's remaining 5 years he produced all his greatest works.
             Shortly before his 30th birthday in 1822, Shelley was drowned in storm while sailing.
             Many Critics reguard Shelley as one of the greatest English Poets.
             Adonais ------ which was wrote about the great British poet John Keats

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