My Life

             As the young impressionable child approached the threshold of his future, he looked back to see the progress he had made. In the dirt road saw how two sets of tracks suddenly became one. Looking down at his own feet, he realized for the first time he was without his maternal guide who so sagaciously guided his fourteen years of existence. As he surveyed the harsh landscape, the hard times that lay ahead was clearly visible. However, with a crinkled brow and an uncertain expression contorting his face, this naive mind was truly baffled and uncertain how to interpret such uncharted terrain. Nevertheless, with a deep breath nourishing his lungs and a brave heart, the young child took his first premature steps into manhood. Upon crossing to the other side, now a mature young man, he realized that her tracks never ceased, for where they ended in the road, they picked right up in the heart. My aunt's stroke truly altered the realm of my existence. Having occurred at the prime locus !
             of my adolescent development, the experience and the accompanying values and lessons I have taken with me has truly been the catalyst in molding me into the person that I am today, and the person I am destined to be.
             Prior to the occurrence of such an event, my youth served as a proper impediment for my lack of exposure to such an illness and the impact it holds on family life. Once my aunt became ill, all the accompanying forces caused me to be fearful of the traumatic effects it would bring to my carefree life and the unbearable disabilities my aunt would have to endure. However, I was utterly surprised at how accepting she was toward the cruel hand of life. Her intense devotion to be a contributing family member and negligence to partial treatment was inspiring. Her actions taught me to believe that life is truly a gift. The fact that she tried to do more for her family with half the physical mobility prove her to be twice the woman she ever was....

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My Life . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:35, December 03, 2024, from