Children suffer at the hands of adults. They are beaten, kicked and burned with cigarettes. They are thrown against walls. They have their heads held under the water of toilet bowls. They are scalded by hot water; they are forced to stand in freezing showers until they pass out. They are stuffed into running washing machines. They are sexually molested. They are the victims of incest. They suffer from neglect, including starvation and lack of medical attention (Neal 1). It happens more often than we'd like to imagine. Children are abused everyday, and their lives are forever changed. And those changes are never good and never benefit anyone in anyway. With as much child abuse that there is going on there will be many children with severe mental scars. And many children will have trouble living their lives to the fullest. Most of the time it takes years to correct the emotional scars. Nobody should have to grow up living in fear. And, no one should have to live a l!
ife full with memories of terrible things that happened to him/her when he/she was a child. Children who are victims of sexual child abuse usually end up becoming abusers themselves, but there are many solutions to help prevent that from happening.
"Everyone knows what abuse is, but the definition of sexual abuse is not so clear. Sexual abuse takes place any time a person is tricked, trapped, forced or bribed into a sexual act. It most often involves unwanted touching of the victim." (Daugherty 11) Sexual abuse is obviously wrong because it causes the victim to suffer physically and psychologically. "It can cause fear, confusion, anger, shame, depression and lowered self-esteem for the victim"(11), all of which could plague the victim the rest of his/her life. Because every person's body is "special and belongs to that person alone" means that person is the only one who has the right to decide who can touch his ...