book essay

             Up the stairs, down the stairs, to the mall and home again. Our legs take us everywhere. But have you ever stopped to really appreciate them? I am just as guilty of this as the next person with the typical use of their legs. We all stare at the person with no legs wheeling in the mall, as described in Body Imperfect by Debi Davis. This story and A Giant Step both tell of the hardships of not having what blessing we overlook everyday, our legs.
             In the story A Giant Step by Henry Louis Gates Jr., he describes the loss and regaining of the regular use of his legs. What started our as a hairline fracture, caused numerous operations and much pain. He also had to have his shoes specially made to accommodate his one leg being shorter than the other. While in Body Imperfect Debi Davis describes a person who loses both of her legs at the age of 29. Davis talks about the optimistic outlook the person had. She felt that her life would go through little change besides her being in a wheel chair. This is shown when she says "I rolled through the mall in my wheelchair with the inimate confidence of a proud survivor..." She realizes that her life is forever changed. Although she is the same person inside outside she is significantly different. People will never see her the same way again.
             Davis went through most of her life with the regular use of her legs. She lost this at the age of 29 when she became a double amputee. In her story the pain she went through was mostly psychological. She now has to deal with, not only the physical pain of recovering from this surgery, but having to live the rest of her life sitting. As I said before, I don't feel she truly realized this until her first trip to the mall. It comes to her when she says "Their downcast glances made me realize they id not see the triumph in my eyes, but my missing limbs." She comes to terms with her disability when she has an encount...

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