On Monday, August 6,1945, the American B-29 Enola Gay
             left its runway carrying a massive weapon that would soon be
             responsible for killing 80,000 men, women and children in
             Japan. The destructive force, which wiped out many lives and
             the entire city of Hiroshima, was the first actual use of a
             weapon at the time unheard of by the world, the atomic bomb.
             Many questions must be considered to determine whether the
             use of atomic power was necessary to distinguish the war,
             and if so, was the result of bombing Hiroshima enough? Was
             it really necessary to bomb Nagasaki, or was the United
             States trying to prove a disturbing and powerful point?
             To answer that first we must look at was going on in the
             world at the time of the conflict. The U.S. had been
             fighting a wars with areas throughout Europe and Asia.
             Morale was most likely low, and resources were at the same
             level as morale. Obviously the best thing that could have
             possibly happened would have been to bring the war to a
             quick end with a minimum of allied casualties. The Pottsdam
             Conference was around the time of the end of the first war.
             Several of the Pacific islands were lost such as China,
             Berma, Thailand and Manchua. Harry Truman's decision to drop
             the atomic bomb was entirely warranted and was in the best
             interest of Americans and the world. With a close and
             detailed examination of the events leading to the bombing
             and the actual detonation itself, a realization that
             the use of the atomic bomb was not just to end the war, but
             also to prove the world that the United States was the most
             Among the things to consider in the decision to drop
             the bomb are the many different aspects that president
             Truman had to consider. Truman was thrown into presidency at
             a very tumultuous period. When Roosevelt was president,
             Truman never knew anything about the war. When Roosevelt
             died, Truman's enforced ignorance of...

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