Jealousy has been around since the beginning of time. It starts the moment an individual is born. Jealousy stems from insecurity, strife, envy, bitterness, and obsessive caring. It also comes from wanting something that belongs to someone else or wanting someone that is currently involved in a relationship. Most people have experienced jealousy in their life at one time or another. All jealousy is not negative. Jealousy that is kept at a minimum, in an individual life helps things in balance and in perspective; however, out of control jealousy is harmful and dangerous. Cassio show this type of jealousy in "Othello."
Jealousy occurs throughout a person's life. The first jealous situation that I experienced was being envious of my neighbor's family. Their family was the perfect and the ideal family. My family was not. My mom was a single mom and I did not have a father figure in my life. Many times, I would see their father interacting with his children. Sometimes, their dad would play outdoor sports like basketball, softball, and soccer with them. This sparked a jealous feeling inside of me. I wanted a dad to interact with me the same way that their dad interacted with them.
The next time I experienced jealousy was during the Christmas holiday.
One Christmas day, there were presents under the tree, and I began to unwrap my Christmas gifts. I had received three small gifts: a Barbie doll, roller blades and a game. This seemed like a lot of toys to me, and I was excited and thrilled. These toys meant the world to me until I saw what the neighbor's children had received. Most of the
toys that I had seen on television, and wanted, they had got. This caused me get upset and angry with my mom. I did not play with any of my toys and felt sick the remainder of that day. These situations that I experienced are similar to the way one of