The Turks that deny that the Armenian Genocide never occurred are liars.
Fifty years after the Armenian Genocide, the Turkish government would refer to
the genocide of the Armenians as "alleged"15. There are so many facts that prove
that the Genocide did take place. The killing and torturing methods, the high
death tolls, and the subhuman conditions that were bestowed upon them, are all
certainties that make the genocide factual. How can they deny that it never
occurred if just coincidentally, millions of Armenians just perished off the face of
the earth? There are logical reasons and proof, from the stories of the survivors,
that the Armenians were indeed, annihilated by the Turks. There were many
onlookers who, in fact, witnessed the massacres committed and lived through the
awful reality of the genocide itself.
If the Turks deny to be held responsible for the killings of the Armenians,
then why were they deported and took on what they call death marches? More
than half of the Armenian population (men, women, and children) were forced to
leave their homes to go where they would meet their fatality. This survivor
describes the journey of the death marches "Anyone who would fall behind would
be shot on the spot"16. Since this was a spectator who actually witnessed the
crime, it's a proven fact that the Turks did, in fact, commit a genocide. Other
witnesses, such as the wives and children who survived, recall the brutal killings
of their husbands or father, a typical scenario17. "When the caravans reached the
city limits, the men were separated from the group; gendarmes tied their hands
and escorted them away from their families. Wives and children heard gun shots
ring out, and then the gendarmes returned alone...."18 This is a chilling thought,
but it did occur and it's another fact that makes the Turks accountable for the
Another fac...