
             In 1933, a new Chancellor came to power in Germany. No one could have been prepared for the events that occurred during the next twelve years. The new Chancellor was a man by the name of Adolph Hitler. Hitler appealed to the people at just the right time. After the embarrassment of World War I, the German people needed a strong leader to lift their national patriotism. Hitler gave powerful speeches that invoked the German people. "Hitler's secret was he wasn't afraid to shout out loud what most Germans were afraid of admitting to themselves, namely that we deserve to rule the world". (Heck, 23) People once again became proud to be German. A man that brought back such pride to Germany was also a deranged, Anti-Semitic monster. He turned the German people against a common enemy, the Jew. Hitler ruled in a totalitarian manner. He was the absolute power. This affected many people's lives. Not only did effect people like Helen H. Waterford, but it also affected followers of the movement like Alfons Heck. Helen Waterford was a Jewish woman that endured a lot from the Anti-Semitic rule of Hitler. Alfons Heck was a follower of Adolph Hitler. He says, "I belonged to Adolph Hitler body and soul." (Heck, 23) In this paper there will be a discussion of Adolph Hitler's totalitarianism.
             There will also be a discussion of one of the victims of his totalitarianism, Helen Waterford, and Hitler's tool of totalitarianism, Alfons Heck.
             A totalitarian dictatorship has many distinct qualities that separate it from a regular dictatorship. In a totalitarian state there is one absolute power. Adolph Hitler was that one absolute power. He had no equals during his rule. He made every decision and no one questioned his authority. Also in a totalitarian state there is the elevation of one race. For Hitler's Germany it was the Aryan race. Hitler says, "If we were to divide manki...

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Hitler. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 09:27, July 06, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/6278.html