The Crusades

             During the Dark Ages, Muslim influence spread throughout Africa and Eastern Europe. The quick spread caused Christians to become more and more fearful of Muslim invasion. As new Turk leaders limited pilgrimages to the Holy Land and the Byzantine Empire became more susceptible to attack, the inevitability of the Crusades grew. The Crusades were Christian Military expeditions to recapture the Holy Land of Palestine. The Crusades had two main goals. The first was to gain permanent control of Palestine. The second goal was to protect the Byzantine Empire. Additionally, many Crusaders hoped to increase their influence, land and wealth. Although the Crusaders won several battles and temporarily set up a Crusader Kingdom, the victories came with great losses and costs while having little permanent effect.
             During the 600's Arab Muslims took control of the Holy Lands of Palestine (including Jerusalem). These lands were sacred to Christians because of the many holy sites and relics. The Arab rulers generally permitted Christians to make trips to the various shrines as a result. During the 1000's Turks from central Asia came and conquered both Palestine and Asia Minor. The Turks crushed Byzantine forces, and the empire was in fear of being conquered by the fierce Turkish Muslims. Dissimilar to the Arab Muslims, the Turk Muslims made it very difficult for Christians to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Lands. In 1095, the Byzantine Emperor asked the Pope, Urban II, for help in fighting the Turks. Because of a desire to protect Christianity he agreed. He wanted to regain the Holy Land while earning power and esteem. Urban also hoped that a Military quest against the Turks could unite the Christian Nobles and Knights of Western Europe and end their habitual quarreling. In 1095 Ur!
             ban called a meeting of church leaders in Clermont, France. It was at the Council of Clermont that Pope Urban appealed for a Crusade. After ...

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