Corporate and Consumer Responsibility

             Corporate and Consumer Responsibility
             After talking about big corporations like Nike and Wal-Mart, and how they manage their factories and plants. After reading about these sweatshops it made me sick. How can they stand themselves by treating their employees like this? Trying to make the largest profit possible. It seems to me that the people working in the factories for Nike and other large corporations, their employees count as property instead of humans.
             People should know about these kinds of things that happen to workers all over the world. Consumers want the cheapest possible product. They don't care if there is a 5-year-old child that sits in a factory 12 hours a day makes barely any money at all, takes physical abuse everyday, can't see daylight and only allowed visiting the restroom ones in 8 hours. I don't think anyone in an industrial country would like to work in a factory like that making below minimum wage. The average consumer don't know about all these terrible things the workers in a factory like this have to
             face everyday. And this happens all over the world and no one seems to know about it, I think consumers should get information about the sweatshops that the big corporations use. The colleges that fight for the workers in these sweatshops, these students are making a great effort to help them. If everyone think like that instead of ignoring the problem and buying the cheapest product that could make a difference.
             If the consumers refused to buy from Nike that use sweatshops, and buy from a company that gives their workers a fair wage, a safe environment to work in and rights that all workers in the world should have.
             Consumer responsibility is. They should refuse buying goods from corporations that don't care about their workers and treat them like property. Consumers should buy from corporations that treat their workers with respect and pays them a reasonable wage for t...

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Corporate and Consumer Responsibility . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:12, July 05, 2024, from