
             a Conference Yalta Conference was one of the most important meetings of key Allied leaders during World War II. These leaders were President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain, and Premier Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union. Their counties became known as the "Big Three." The conference took place at Yalta, a famous Black Sea resort in the Crimea, from February 4 to 11, 1945. The agenda at the Yalta Conference included the major problems in a postwar Europe. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agreed on several points. The first point was to accept the structure of a world peacekeeping organization that was to become the United Nations. The second point to reestablish order in Europe and to help the defeated countries build democratic governments. Another point was to divide Germany into four zones that would be occupied by the "Big Three" and France. They also agreed to support the Soviet-backed government and hold free electio!
             ns in Poland, and to give the Soviet Union some of Poland. They also agreed to make Germany give the Soviet Union equipment and other resources to make up for the Soviet's losses. And Finally the Soviet agreed to enter the war against Japan in exchange for the Kuril Islands, half of Sakhalin Island, and two ports. All of these points were finalized in the Crimea Declaration. It repeated the principles of the Atlantic Charter and the Casablanca conferences. They also planned a meeting in San Francisco to plan out the United Nations organization. After the war, critics said Roosevelt had "sold out" Europe and had given too much to the Soviet Union. Most modern scholars believe the conference produced a traditional and balanced settlement. They argued that the Soviet Union had the stronger military and better political stance and there fore got the most out of the conference.

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