Anti-Gun Regulation Debate

             Everyday we hear of incidents of rape, assault, robbery and suicide. Often innocent people are affected by these heinous crimes. Since the police cannot save everyone from being harmed, it is up to each individual to protect themselves. Guns are used as a form of defense and not always for killing purposes. Often single women carry guns in order to feel empowered and safe. Homes in the country sometimes have guns for hunting. Guns also used for competitive target shooting. If the Government thinks that banning guns will reduce the crime rate, they should re-evaluate their decision. Crimes will still occur whether or not it involves a gun because other weapons will be used instead.
             In the current gun control debate, there is one major point we must consider. If you register every gun in Canada, or prohibit the possession of some guns, or even confiscate all guns in Canada, will that mean that armed robbery, murder and suicide will disappear? The answer is simple. It won't. Criminals will still have access to guns illegally, and the rest of us will be helpless. Crime will go on as before, and may very well increase. We also must remember that many violent crimes are committed with weapons other than guns. If this is the case then we should ban the use of kitchen knives, screwdrivers, baseball bats, axes and staple guns that are used to commit murders.
             Another cause of deaths is car accidents. Automobiles kill fifteen times as many people as guns, but there is no plan to prohibit or restrict the ownership or use of cars. If you have a driver's license you can have as many cars as you want, and drive them any time or place you want. With registered guns, you have to obtain a permit for each time you want to leave home with them. You have to be over eighteen, and have a permit to buy a restricted amount of ammunition. Cars are also used as often for crime and suicide as guns are. When cars are used in suicides, these deat...

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Anti-Gun Regulation Debate . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 12:46, September 06, 2024, from