
             1# In this movie, Ancel 's goal was to learn what are the affect of hunger on a person. He also hopes that with this information, we can have a better idea about how to help the starvation people, especially those who survived at the end of War World II. The study includes a group of 36 men, who were conciencous objectors, and they all volunteered for this study. It is a true experimental study because intervention had involved. The conditions of the study are that these people must sound health physically and mentally. They all do get along with other people. They all were volunteered for the project. The 36 six men were the controlled group as well as the experimental group.
             #2This movie is about how starvation related to human health. It is just what we need for the nutrition class.
             3# The point of view of the movie comes from man's view who would want to know how hunger can influence a person. This study involves 35 men only. Should this group of men represent the whole population of hunger people? If the study group were 35 women, would the study outcome be the same as the men's study group. Remember that the group of people in the study was a group of only middle age male, excluding all other age groups as baby, children, women, and elderly people. Therefore, if a study is done on how starvation can have an effect on babies or children or pregnant women or elder, the consequences may be very different. Because a person gender, sex, and ethnic are important factors relating to hunger and health. For instance children may have different hunger sickness than adult. Pregnant women who are starved not only get sick themselves, but also give low birth weight babies with many physical and mental symptoms. Men who are hungry for a long time may lack th!
             e sexual desired for women. They generally felt very ill and just want food.
             The study was significant because its primary goal w

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hunger . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:51, December 02, 2024, from