Hitler as a Wartime Leader

             In times of conflict their needs to be someone who steps up and takes control of the situation, and leads those who need guidance in a positive direction. During a time of war this task becomes increasingly difficult due to the taxing, and important decisions that he, or she must make for the good of a populous. In this case we will evaluative Hitler on his overall effectiveness as a leader during wartime, and determine whether he completed his job effectively, or whether he was ineffective of being a leader during times of war.
             A good wartime leader must have control over, and understand the three different aspects of war, sky, water, and land. Along with this comes the elements of strategy, determination, and creativity of ideas. In terms of determination, and creativity Hitler can in no way be disputed as a good wartime leader, however overall his actions during World War II were not those of a great war leader but rather those of an eccentric, whose beliefs in Aryanism and conquest controlled his actions to the point of costing him the War.
             To many World War II has been seen as the most horrible world conflict that has ever taken place. During its time more then 50 million people lost their lives in battle, concentration camps, or resulting from famine. The causes of this war are numerous, but one of the unarguable catalysts in this War was Adolf Hitler. Hitler, the German dictator who's use of political speeches, propaganda, and elimination of competition led to his election as chancellor in 1933. Hitler's methods as a wartime leader have come under great criticism as historians retrace his footsteps, but one thing is certain. Although Adolf Hitler was an eccentric, his strategies for warfare were brilliant and revolutionary. This said as a wartime leader he lacked many of the necessary skills to have been successful and that was why he failed to achieve his goal. To rule all of Europe and perhaps if given the c...

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Hitler as a Wartime Leader . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 04:32, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/64724.html