immigration argument

             When I was in fourth grade a Jewish man visited my school to talk about his experiences during the Holocaust. However, his account of his time spent in the consecration camps was not what made my eyes to tear up that day. He related that when he was a young boy, he and his friends thought that in America money grew on trees. He said that growing up in Czechoslovakia he always dreamed of coming to America and living the "American dream." I could see the tears well up in his eyes and could hear the tremble in his voice when he began to tell us how lucky we were to be born in the USA because it "is the best country in the world." This was the first time when I realized how enormously blessed I am to be an American.
             I am so privileged to have never experienced the agony of persecution, the danger of combat, the loneliness of imprisonment, or the pangs of starvation. Torture has never been something I worried about. I have a good house and have plenty to eat. I can go to church without worrying about getting arrested or harassed. I'm attending college, majoring in professional writing and editing, while millions of people can't even read. I own a computer, something that I view as a necessity, while countless others have never used or even seen one. Things that I view as rights and essentials, such as freedom of speech or access to clean water, are inaccessible luxuries to much of the world.
             However, I feel that these things shouldn't have to be luxuries. We should be more open with our immigration so that we can share our "amber waves of grain" with the starving, our public education system with the illiterate and our health care with the sick. Everyone should be able attend church meeting without fear of persecution and go to bed at night without the pain of hunger. While, I realize that we cannot allow all of the world's afflicted to come to America, I feel that it is unreasonable ...

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immigration argument . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 18:32, December 02, 2024, from