Sports Acrobatics

             The roots of Sports Acrobatics date back to the time of the ancient Greeks. The word "acrobatics" is derived from a word in the Greek language meaning "to elevate." This derivation is significant, since Sports Acrobatics combines the aspects of lifting and balancing and the high flight of partner tosses and tumbling passes.
             Modern Sports Acrobatics began in Russia with the formation of the International Federation of Sports Acrobatics (IFSA). This exciting new sport has been competed actively in Europe since the 1930s and in the United States since the 1970s. Our national organization, United States Sports Acrobatics (USSA), was founded in 1975. The USSA is a member of USA Gymnastics, and the connection between Sports Acrobatics and gymnastics is growing.
             The five pair/group events are choreographed to music and consist of dance, tumbling, and partner skills. The partner skills are divided into two categories – balance and tempo. Balance skills are static holds with the base partner supporting the top. All tempo skills incorporate flight, such as when the base partner tosses the top for double saltos.
             In Sports Acrobatics, teamwork is paramount. For success and safety, the partners must work in complete cooperation. The element of trust is developed as partners learn to work closely together to perform skills of grace and daring. This interdependence is never more evident than the complete concentration of the base partners demonstrate as they throw their tops in a high tempo skill, determined to make a safe catch. Trust is also evident as partners build intricate pyramids with the tops delicately balanced above the reliable bases – living examples of strength and flexibility.
             Sports Acrobatics offers many advantages when included in a gymnastics environment. There will be a competitive atmosphere for those gymnasts who excel in dance and tumbling skills. Sports Acrob

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Sports Acrobatics . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 10:07, July 06, 2024, from