Odyssey Penelope and Odysseus as Archetypes

             The Odyssey provides readers an illustration of the archetype Greek and is the defining example of how life existed in Greek Society. Every prominent civilization throughout the history of man has been able to look to archetypes within their own society for an example of how to live an idealized life. The process of finding role models has changed over time. Today, Americans find role models in sports, the entertainment industry, and church. The ancient Chinese looked to great warriors and philosophers as role models. In ancient Greece role models were found in stories passed down through generations that showed people how to be happy and lead a good life. In The Odyssey, by Homer, the role models are Odysseus and the people that stand by his side. Penelope is the prominent female figure standing by Odysseus side. Penelope is the only true role model in The Odyssey for women. A woman's mission in life in Geek times was to bear children and take care of the house. The!
             y are depicted as being weak in mind and will. Penelope on the other hand is a breath of fresh air to the women of Homer's time. Penelope and Odysseus go through the hardest struggle a man and a woman can go through in life. This is why Penelope and Odysseus are both archetypes for the men and women of their time.
             Penelope can be seen as an archetype best by first illustrating what makes Odysseus an archetype. Odysseus experiences all the good and bad a man can receive in life. Odysseus struggled through many trials and has played many roles. "Homer alone presented the whole man - the wise king, the loving husband and father, the brave warrior, the eloquent and resourceful polituque, the courageous wanderer, the goddess-beloved hero, the yearning exile, the devisor of many rules and disguises, the triumphant avenger, the grandson of Autolycus and the favorite of Athene"(Kabanova 1). After struggling through many trials and assuming many roles...

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Odyssey Penelope and Odysseus as Archetypes . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 12:48, July 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/66981.html