
             With all of the changes going on within America, and the prosperity and production that came with the industrial revolution, the temptation to stray from the foreign policy that Washington set out a hundred years before was very great. The Americans now entered a time where they were in a position to compete with European powers, but the European powers had a jump on the Americans in many areas, especially colonization of foreign territories. In addition, the American frontier for the first time in history, no longer existed. The frontier symbolized the freedom of a place to go when things got boring. The frontier was a safety valve for people to go settle new territories, and to find raw materials. Now with the frontier gone, the idea of taking foreign territories looked like the best way to replace that frontier. Increasingly, the Americans had started to flex their muscle in the affairs around the world. Finally, it became clear that an imperialistic stance for Ameri!
             ca would be necessary in order to keep up with all the other western powers.
             Imperialism is the policy by which one country takes control of the land of another region. The Age of Imperialism lasted from 1870 to 1914. The development of imperialism mirrors that of industrialization. This is because the two reflect growth and progress.
             The US was more focused on competing for resources and new markets during this era. Concerns for the US were the economic situations of the Pacific and Caribbean, along with the strategic importances of these areas.
             Imperialism was inevitable with the growth of industry. In need of materials, countries would take control of other lands. Ethno-centrism became a part of the European state of mind. They felt driven to impose European beliefs and ideas on the conquered territories. This was deemed the "White Man's Burden" by Rudyard Kipling, who was very much against this movement. India was very affected by Europe...

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