Short Story - Danielle and Jack

             The sun had just awoken and peeked over the horizon. Slowly it raised, throwing a
             contrast of colors into the sky. The little water dew drops soaked Danielle's feet
             as she walked through the grass to feed the chickens. It was early Monday morning
             Today was market day for Danielle, which she loved. Danielle was 15 years old and
             the time had come when she needed to find a husband. She was very beautiful, with
             long blond hair that hung in perfect curls. She has the deepest blue crystal
             eyes and lips as red as the rose. She always dreamed of finding her perfect mate,
             some knight in shining armor that would sweep her off her feet. She didn't know that
             today at the market she would find her perfect match.
             The town was busy as usual with people in such a hurry to get where they were going.
             As she walked and said hello to her usual friends she spotted a stranger eyeing her
             from afar. The stranger had dark hair, dark eyes. He was the most handsome man
             she had ever seen. As he glided towards her, she could feel her heart speed up.
             "Good Morning fair lady," the man bowed his head. "Why hello sir", Danielle bowed
             back. The man was dressed in the finest of clothes but Danielle didn't seem to
             notice. They started talking and instantly they could feel the invisible bond grow
             between them. They talked the rest of the day. Later, just before parting, they
             forgot they hadn't exchanged names yet. "What is your name", she asked. "You can
             call me Jack Nicholson", he replied. "Nicholson?", her heart sank. "Yes", he repeated,
             "Is that a problem? What is your name?" She lowered her stare.
             "Jackson, Danielle Jackson". "Jackson?!" He stuttered. They both just stood there,
             neither one knew what to do. "I can't believe this", he sighed. "I must be going,
             meet me tomorrow at the house in the forest" Danielle walked home heavy-hearted.
             There he was, the man of her dreams, but also the only guy untouchable t...

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Short Story - Danielle and Jack. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:40, July 05, 2024, from