Night by Elie Wiesel

             The short novel Night by Elie Wiesel was a first hand account of what happened to many Jewish people during the Holocaust. Elie is the main character and the narrator of this book. The story takes place in many concentration camps around Europe. This book shows us how his innocence was quickly lost and how fast he had to grow up. Elie goes through many struggles and losses through the most terrible ordeal that no teenager should ever have to deal with. He makes it through all of the camps but at the expense of losing his entire family.
             Elie, or Eliezer which he is referred to in the book, is the narrator and main character of Night. The Holocaust robs him of his faith in God and exposes him to utter inhumanity. Throughout the book he shows a deep devotion to his father and will do what ever it takes to stay with him. Chlomo, Eliezer's father, is held in high respect by the entire Jewish community in Sighet. He is also a main character in the book. Moshe the Beadle is a poor Jew from Sighet who teaches Jewish mysticism to Eliezer. Moshe is deported before the rest of the Jews, and escapes to tell the community what the Nazis are doing to the Jews. The community, however, takes him for a lunatic. Madame Schachter is a Jewish woman who foretells the fate of many of the Jewish people being killed in the crematoria of Auschwitz. Tibi and Yosi are two brothers Eliezer befriends in Buna.
             When the Nazis began taking over Sighet, they separated the town into two ghettos. Eliezer and his family moved into the second ghetto, which was bigger than the other one. One day the people in first ghetto were transported. Then Eliezer's family moved into the first ghetto. About four weeks later they were transported. They were put in cattle cars. Eliezer was put in a car with a woman named Madame Schachter. She screamed and cried of a fire she kept seeing. She was taken for a madwoman. Little did they know that she

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Night by Elie Wiesel . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:58, October 05, 2024, from