WW Two

             -it was called a war when you used atomic weapons
             -hydrogen bombs got created- 100x worse than atomics
             -the sov. un. was afraid Germany would rearm so they created a competing military alliance system-Warsaw Pact
             -it intergraded the armed forces of E. Europe into a unified force under soviet command
             -put together so western Europe could defend itself from the Sov. Un.
             -it blocked off all of the access routes to Berlin from road, RR, canal so the US did the airlift
             -for around 300 days, US sent in thing by airplane since they couldn't do it any other way
             -it gave money to Europe, France, Italy to help them re enter capitolist
             -US, Gr.Brit, France, China, & Russia are permanent members
             -he claimed he had 200 names of communist workerd for the gov. trying to sound powerful...he didn't
             -George Kennan sent it out...Truman used it
             -It was to "contain" comminism and not to let it get into Greece and Turkey
             -where the "Policy" was used
             -Truman uses the Truman Docterine which gives $400 Million to Greece so the they don't turn to communism
             -Wants US, Gr.Brit., and France out of Berlin so he lies about the roads, RR, and Canal being messed up-Berlin Blockade
             -He is the one that starts the Berlin Blockade so that the US has to do the Airlift.
             -He started the Iron Curtain-the split of the Soviet Union
             -takes over Yugoslavia with and "ok" from Stalin
             -He wants to try to get Krushchev to stop making miss

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WW Two . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 02:10, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/70688.html