The Big Change

             It was a beautiful summer; I was out of high school and never had to go back. I had a full time job that paid a little above minimum wage, but enough to support my nightlife. In addition, I had many friends that made me happy and meant everything to me. In other words – life was a blast! There was only one problem in my life that bothered me, and that was my future. It was something that I never stressed over, except that now I was out of high school and maybe soon would have to support my own family. Therefore, after researching every possible easy way out, I realized that the only easy way for me to become successful was to go to college. Moreover, that was not at all easy since I was a 'D' average student in high school. But since my future was more important than anything, I went to the Bucks County Community College where I started out as an excellent student. Now that I was in college and my goal was to be successful, I tried to maintain good grades, which made me stress a lot. At the same time I tried to maintain the same type of relationship with my friends, but because my number one priority was school, our relationship was nothing like it was before. And as months went by, it was summer again and I was happier than ever because the biggest problem, which was my future, was well taken care of. However, it was not long till I found out that the change of my lifelong success values weakened my interpersonal relationship with friends and therefore created much more stress in my life.
             It was a beautiful summer again, but not as beautiful as it was before because my relationship with my friends was not the same. Just one year before I was the one who organized everything starting from the weekend BBQ parties and all the way to the trips we took to places outside the city. However, my ideas were not even considered anymore. I was getting used to this kind of treatment and I would be OK if someone else planned our...

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The Big Change. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 15:03, December 03, 2024, from