
             Imagine waking up not knowing what each day is going to bring, where the unexpected is expected. With just the sound of a siren you know you're about to put your life on the line for someone else. Fire fighting is an extremely important job. It saves many lives and property. You risk everything to save the lives of the countless strangers you encounter. This is the exciting life that firefighters endure. They are among the most courageous people on Earth, and that's why I'm eager to join their ranks.
             Firefighters don't have time to hesitate when they think of everything that can go wrong. Not only do firefighters save people from burning buildings, they also go on emergency calls such as heart attacks, respiratory problems, any other medical problems, or just to help save stuck or trapped animals. It's their mission to stay focused, and no matter what happens, know that they gave it their all. The strength and perseverance involved in their job is enormous. These are qualities I see in myself.
             In a fire rescue squad, your fellow firefighters become your brothers. Watching your back in every situation the team faces, they stand by your side. Knowing you have friends you can always count on is something necessary for survival in this line of work. I know I would be a valuable, dependable asset to this close knit band of brothers.
             Putting your life on the line to save another human being is a satisfaction that few get the pleasure of experiencing. This is the job that I know I was born to do. Do I want to get a job where I get paid a lot of money and be rich or do I want to work helping people? This choice must be made by every great firefighter. A great firefighter not only puts out fires, a great firefighter endures rigorous training and challenging exams. He works for the love of the people and not the money, which he gets paid. Saving peoples lives is worth more than any amount of money I ...

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Firefighters. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 12:33, September 19, 2024, from