Rulers of Spain and Struggles for Power

             Like around the world today, in Europe's past, there were many religious wars and struggles for power. It was a time for monarchy and parliament to rule the land, also, a time for conquering and civil wars. The Spaniards had many different rulers to live under. One of them was Isabella and Ferdinand. These people unified Spain by reducing noble power and gaining the support of the Church. They got rid of all religious opponents by the use of genocide. Another important ruler of Spain was Charles V. This ruler had a huge empire due to his inheritances. He gained Austria, Bohemia, and the Netherlands. These rulers paid the price for their unification of Spain. They drove out most of the prominent and educated people in Spain, just because they happened to be Muslim or Jew. This made Spain fall because they needed their money. They also failed to trade and industrialize because society frowned upon that.
             Another nation that failed to be successful was Hungary. The Mongols constantly invaded them. Soon, half of the population was killed in the war. They made progress but yet the Ottoman Turks crushed them again. Poland was a nation that failed to become independent also. Their influence was weak and they were partitioned by Russia, Prussia, and Austria. Russia was a nation made successful due to the efforts of Peter and Catherine the Great. They westernized the nation of Russia by building better seaports, making a better navy, and expanding Russian territory. Catherine the Great won control of the Black Sea of the Northern Shore because of a war with the Ottoman Turks. It was a surprise that she won this battle, but she did it because she was a wise ruler.
             The power struggle in Europe began because of extravagant rulers. These people believed in divine rule, meaning that God gave them the authority to rule. Like Peter and Catherine, the monarchy did not tolerate religious diversity. They used the money to build beautiful and costly...

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Rulers of Spain and Struggles for Power. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 09:32, July 06, 2024, from