
             To the populace in the Western world, the word "ego" has negative implications. Men
             who have become affluent through hard work and sacrifice have been labeled as
             "self-centered" because the majority of mankind has explicitly manifested their angry
             thoughts about certain people who have a vast amount of wealth. It should be stressed
             that being egotistical is a gift. The word "I" is a significant element of our language
             because it reflects upon the most valuable part of out human consciousness, which is
             individualism. Existing as an individual in a collectivist society is impossible because
             every being under oppression works for the state. That person cannot fulfill the dreams
             of their mind unless they are totally free to think. If one either submits to or is born under
             a collectivist society, then that person will endure a mindless, miserable life of agony
             and depression. Anthem conveys the story of one man, Prometheus, who stands against
             the rule of collectivism and for his right to be an individual. Why does From his
             collective propagation, to his escape from the so-called "utopian" society, Prometheus
             learns the value of his ego. Throughout the phases of his life, he learned in abstract
             ways that the ego was superior. One way he pursued the thought that the ego is
             supreme, for example, is the incident when he was lashed because he committed a
             "horrible" crime. The crime was disjoining from the collective and doing something
             unique, which was constructing the light in the abandoned railway tunnel. The ego, in
             that situation, reigned supreme. After he had fled into the forest, he came upon the
             word "I" and wept after reading it in a book in the abandoned house he found. Thus, in
             the end, the caliber of the ego made sense, and it all came together for him through the
             understanding of the words he read. He believes that...

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Anthem. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:29, December 02, 2024, from