Medieval Technology

             The Middle Ages were dark and gloomy. People lived in castles and rode on horses. They constantly fought each other with swords and shields. That mainly sums up the Middle Ages, right? No wonder most people would rather slide in a DVD, grab a bag of popcorn, and relax on their comfy couch or favorite chair. Who could even imagine a world with no Nintendo, or even no washing machine? There wouldn't be a lot of kids or moms who would be very happy. A world with no technology sounds almost horrifying. However, there were many forms of "Medieval Technology." Of course they didn't have electricity or batteries in the Middle Ages, but that's not all technology is. Technology is the application of science, especially in industry or commerce. ("Technology" 698) So basically, anything that improves or makes life easier is a form of technology. With that in mind, the invention of those swords, shields, and castles of the Middle Ages were all forms of technology. The Middle Ages were filled with many different advancements and inventions to different parts of medieval society, which were all part of Medieval Technology.
             Technology and science during the Middle Ages were both very practical and natural. (Howarth 39) Technology like wind and waterpower were widely used throughout the medieval periods. Water mills and windmills were a very important advancement for medieval industry. Water mills used large wheels that water from streams or rivers pushed around. These wheels then turned other cranks and wheels that could be used to grind, pound, or crush raw material into a useable product. Windmills were used in the plains and rolling hills where there was no water. There were two kinds of windmills used in the Middle Ages. These two windmills differed in the "fan blades" they used. Because of windmills and water mills many jobs were created for medieval people. These two inventions were mainly used to grind wheat. This ground whe...

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Medieval Technology. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 05:24, October 05, 2024, from