Nelson Mandela's Struggle for

the British government, Nelson's father lost a lot of his land, cattle, and the title of chief. Nelson had to move to Qunu to get the support from relatives and friends. He spent most of his childhood at this village. In 1910, Nelson's father took ill and Nelson's welfare were arranged to be raised by the Paramount Chief. The Paramount Chief was pleased to raise Nelson along with his own sons. Nelson was loved by the Paramount Chief just like the other sons. During his childhood, Nelson loved to listen to the tribal courts discuss the regulated traditional African life. This is when Nelson began to develop and respect the law and develop an ambition to become a lawyer. Nelson would also remember the Council Chiefs telling the history of past African ancestors. Nelson later recalled, "our people lived peacefully, under the democratic rule of their kings and their councilors, and moved freely and confidently up and down the country without let or hindrance. Then the country was ours...we occupied the land, the forests, the rivers; we extracted the mineral wealth beneath the soil and all the riches of this beautiful country. We set up and operated our own government, we controlled our own armies, and we organized our own trade and commerce." These stories inspire Nelson to try to restore the rights of his people. Nelson was given opportunity to attend college in 1936 at Fort Hare College, Cape Province. This was a training ground for African leaders. Nelson was very popular and this is where his political education began.

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Nelson Mandela's Struggle for. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:26, September 06, 2024, from