Who Is Terrorist?

             "Might is right" is a well known and much talked Universal truth. The champions of democracy and human rights have done a lot to assure the people round the globe that they are sovereign and no powerful can suppress weak and no big nation will curb the freedom of the smaller ones. They preached it and strive their level best to prove that right is might, in spite of "Might is Right".
             It is a bitter reality that so-called civilized world in spite of some cosmetic changes and a camouflage of propaganda by all its mediums of media, has failed to hide its ugly face. Its deeds and acts are loudly speaking that "Might is right". We all are aware of the fact that the champions of human rights and human values are themselves the big violators of the human rights and they are changing the standards of human rights as per their own parameters and requirements. Where they deem necessary they use human rights card to protect their own interests and to impose ban on different nations under the garb of so called human rights violations.
             The traders of death and destruction have now waged a war against human beings of third world, whom they called sub-human and least civilised. They ran on innocent Afghan people including women and children to punish them for the sin they ever committed.
             It is a fact that Afghans are a marshal race, they are fighters who love gun-battles, but their marshal skills in spite of saving them from foreign aggression became a threat to their existence and they are being used by world powers for their own interests and benefits. Their homeland was always used by world powers as a laboratory for their own interests.
             America from late 70s used Afghan soil for its interests and during this ugly practice Afghan soil was turned into ruins. First America trapped former Soviet Union in Afghanistan and with the help of its allies and all capitalist forces it succeeded in breaking the USSR, whi...

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Who Is Terrorist?. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 08:24, October 05, 2024, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/77453.html