Comparison of kiekegaard and The movie the Frailty

             According to Kierkegaard in the Philosophy book, despair is sickness until death
             And is the central problem in philosophy. Kierkegaard poses the question, "Is there anything in this world or outside it to which the individual can cling to keep from being swept away by the dark tides of despair?" According to Kierkegaard, only a subjective commitment to the infinite and to God can grant relief. This is so, in his belief because the world is irrational and in order to have any type of peace or rationality, this peace must come from a higher power. This personal relationship with the individual is only between the certain individual and God and all actions mandated from God are correct.
             The belief that the personal relationship with the individual is only between the certain individual and God and all actions mandated from God are correct ties directly in with the theme of the movie Frailty. In the movie, the main character, Fenton believed that the murders were immoral. But according to the father the actions had been mandated from God and because of that mandating, the murders were not really murders, they were demon slayings. Also they were disciples of God and doing his will.
             Dad is a true definition of what Kierkegaard was speaking of when he discussed that two people could be totally in line with obeying God although performing contradictory acts. This movie forced me to look again and really change my mind on how I view the act of other people saying that they are in God's will. You may truly never know the connection that another person has with God. According to Kierkegaard you can never really know if the action a person proclaims is really mandated by God or just by their own will, only they will know. In Frailty, the disciples of God who were on earth can tell who did what and believed that they were right to murder because of the mandating

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Comparison of kiekegaard and The movie the Frailty. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:41, December 03, 2024, from