
             Absolutely not, there shouldn't even be a debate over this question. Why? Now that's a funny question because it reminds me that I've heard a lot of people say things like, "Yeah, I think communism is a good form of government," or "I don't see anything wrong with communism." Comments like that just make me sick. It makes me sick that people can be so misinformed as to even begin to think that.
             So what do I believe in, one might ask? Well, I believe living in a democratic society is best. There is no other form of government that I know of that is run by the majority of the people, for the people. That's what democracy means, doing what the majority wants.
             Communism, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of this. The idea of communism as a form of government was first thought up by the ancient Greek who came up with the idea of the Golden Age. "A concept of a world of communal bliss and harmony without the institution of private property." Theirs was a very reserved version of today's form of communism.
             In fact, today's form of communism is spelled with a capital C, and for this reason from now on when I refer to communism I will spell it with a capital C. Why is it spelled this way? Because, when spelled with a capital C, it is defined as "the movement that aims to overthrow the capitalist order by revolutionary means and to establish a classless society in which all goods will be socially owned." So in other words, kick out the good guys, take away everyone's rights, and have a select group of people run everything.
             Okay, let's just stop right there for a second. I would like to point out that in a Communist society nothing is owned socially, but is all owned by the government. You don't have any personal belongings. In fact, you don't own anything at all. Under a Communist form of government you don't have any rights at all. Your basically just a piece of government property.
             Now, back to defining Communism. In 1848, a...

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