Expansion of England and the Civil War

             Just as the atmosphere builds its energy over long areas of land and water, slowly accumulating potential energy, so was the expansion of England during the reins of James I, and Charles I. Then through years of expansion and change the storm of civil war challenged the Ancient Constitution.
             James I dressed in his dagger proof doublet began his rule of England with motivation and a positive attitude. He said "I have entered the promised Land..." But soon after he came into power, his poor financial condition, and his inability to adjust to English ways rather than those of Scotland, where perpetual hindrances to him.
             James regarded his ability to delegate authority as his strength, this worked well for him in Scotland, but the climate of English politics proved this a limitation to him. And his appointment of appealing young men to important position continually set him at odds with other powers that be.
             The huge debt left him by Elizabeth kept him continually in search of methods to finance his extravagance. During the time of Frances, boasting of revenues totaling around three million pounds, James was forced to make due with a million livres or less. This, in conjunction with nearly double inflationary figures of 1603, declining subsidies from parliament, and marginal rents from crown lands, perpetuated stress on the entire construct of the English political system.
             Another even more powerful force towards expansion was the looking outward of English businessmen and political figures to the colonial areas of India, the Americas, Barbados, and closer to home Ireland. Things changed in England, no more could ships be built with English timber and importation was a must. Spices where necessary to cover the rankness of putrid foods of the time. Tobacco was becoming addictive to mainland English, and a continuing rise in population was creating a demand for importation of food supplies.
             In 1599, the original ...

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