There is a round, black and white object that has been basically attached to my feet for the past twelve years. That object is a soccer ball, and the game that is played by using this ball has been, and continues to be, an experience that has greatly impacted my life. I have learned many things through my participation in soccer and the various teams that I have played on that go beyond the boundaries that mark the field. These lessons that soccer has taught me are very much applicable in real life situations.
The first lesson is the importance of teamwork. When playing a game, it is impossible to succeed without the help of my teammates. They are vital in providing the guidance and encouragement that helps me to be a better player. Similarly, in all other endeavors of life, my family members and friends have been like teammates, pointing me in the right direction and always willing to lend me a hand in time of need. An instance where this applies is my current experience with the entire college application process. It has been a daunting and intimidating task to find the schools that suit me best, and my family and friends have been there every step of the way to guide me in my decisions. The college application process and my experiences with the sport of soccer have shown that compliments and encouragement are always welcome from my "teammates" in the game of life.
Throughout all my experiences I have also come to the realization that it is difficult to reach my goals by myself. My friends have guided and assisted me during the difficult and demanding times. They have helped to keep me focused on my goals and also don't allow me to quit or accept anything but my best. This directly corresponds to soccer. In the game of soccer, I must work in unison with my teammates in order to score, rather than attempt to beat the opposing team all by myself.