Christopher Columbus

             Christopher Columbus is quite a controversial figure, being called a national hero and a ruthless and greedy imperialist. His logical and geocraphical ideas of a westward route to Asia were brought by the literature he read. To gain support for his project, he would attemt and fail a few times before finnaly Isabel and Fernando, Catholic Monarchs in Spain, would support his idea. His voyages expressed the general political, social, and scientific outlook of the fifteenth century.
             If Columbus' plans were to suceed, he would be Knighted, appointed Admiral of the Ocean Sea, given ten percent of any new wealth, and made the viceroy of any new lands by Queen Isabel and King Fernando. In Europe, the battle for wealth was a harsh one, and this made Christopher Comumbus' journey one that made history. The new land would bring many new riches to Spain. On his fisrt journey to reach Asia on a westward route, he ended up in Cuba.

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Christopher Columbus. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:36, July 03, 2024, from